Hi! I'm Kate
I'm a Christian, wife, mother, and a smattering of other things that make me me.
My husband, Chris and I have been married since 2011 and are so grateful to God for the blessings we have enjoyed through our marriage. That's not to say we haven't faced some trials. We faced infertility together and came out the other side closer to God and closer to each other.
We both have been music teachers all along, I'm experiencing "Stay-at-home-mom" life for the first time these days. I will still be teaching private voice and piano lessons. It is my hope that through this blog I can inspire creativity, encourage, build up, and help my readers in any way I can.
We became parents through foster care in a public agency and added to our family through a private, domestic infant adoption. I hope to be able to offer my experiences and what I learn through this journey.
In our home right now, we have a little boy, we'll call him "Buddy". He's a foster child and we love him so much! He's smart, caring, and very perceptive. He came to us at the end of December 2016. We also have our adorable baby daughter, we'll call her V. She is adopted, born in May 2017 and finalized in November 2017. Although I'll share a picture here and there, I'd like to protect her privacy so V is her name and her story is hers to tell.
We also have our first [fur]baby, Banjo. An adorable tiny canine companion.
That's me, I hope you'll join me in my blogging journey!